The Life Of Vincent Purushothaman
A short story from Vincent P.

The Story of Vincent Purushothaman you Shouldn’t Miss
Hey buddies! first of all…
Wishing you all a great time ahead. I’m Vincent Purushothaman and I’m here today to share with you all a few things I have to mend in my way through to be here and become who am I right today.
Malaysia is my root country… a well-cultured society, fortunately, I’ve got the best family anyone would ever wish for, everything’s a blessing from the One High all above.
With daily income-based single working men, my father had managed my whole family now thinking of him makes me feel no better hero than him I have ever seen.
My mother, the queen never takes a no for an answer, she never quit guiding us and taking us along all the way here… I wanna add a great big salute to her patience and everything here so it will always remain.
When comes to my childhood memories everything is just so fresh even when thinking about it now. The great circle of friends who always has been there whatever we all go through… we all know sometimes how much we need a great debriefing, someone who you can tell your problems and the things that run your mind…
And well, siblings… I would damn rely my life upon’em. Everything was just so perfect until…
until that very one day, many things begin to collapse.
When Things Started to Collapse
When my mother once falls ill… things began to change.
Money begins to become a big play, basis needs was a little trouble to be filled. Everyone tried their best to get together everything back but things were getting constantly worse.
Also… when my older brother passed away, it was like the big boom over the rooftop many things began to damn f*****g collapse…
My parents struggled days to raise our needs and there when I see my mother cried one night that’s where I made my mind and my desires and my happiness all aside because I knew what was the right things… I knew the first thing, my family… they always should be anyone’s priority.
I disciplined myself to study harder and achieve good grades as I took care of my family too. I looked for good opportunities to gain more money to support my family and learn to say no when I think something was not fair.
In-between I stumbled to choose between the job I need and a job I desire and at last, I choose what was needed for the moment but I loved the job and brought me good fortune, so, fortunately, I could support better my family on that way or at least this was my way of doing things…
Moving to Singapore
When my family begins to be stable I looked for another opportunity for a promising job and the universe didn’t fail me again as with brought me a job but it was abroad. With the strong mind of my family, I moved to Singapore.
There I met many people and learned so much many more, my lifestyle begins to change… I started to learn to live more independently. There’s the very turning point in my life. Money again becomes the need. But this time…
This time I learned that we should be the ones to hold the money and not the opposite, meaning, to waste it on the first thing we think is right.
I worked it off my job… this time I made it through double shifts and it was a hard time for me.
Pains and loneliness still give me nightmares but it all begins to pay off when my way to finance opened.
From the beginning, things were tough and sometimes it pushed me down, but still, with support from every loved one, I can get I remembered from where and why I begin and boost my energy level.
I work again harder on my finances and made it my full-time job and opened myself to learn much more.
I learned and learned more like I just my boss around, throw myself under his cart to do the consultation ahead of him and It was a good experience where I make mistakes and get learn even more from him.
Appreciation from him was again another boost-up and that’s my time where the universe begins to take me to another level of life to feeling gratitude.
It showed me many ways… from helping people in need to appreciate another’s work, to never take things for granted, many. It became I little addiction for me to those beautiful smiles when those in need receive the blessing through me.
The tears the smiles the happiness all the way still get goosebumps when I remember it all by the way this kinda is what really fuels me up each day. I may not be the wealthiest with money but sure I am living my life.
To everyone who is reading this out there… don’t stop when things get tough, take a moment to look back from where you have started to where you are now.
May it be small you think, but trust me, every inches matter. Be grateful for what you have now and enjoy it. Make your very moment memorable cause things don’t happen the same twice nor do the time won’t ever stop.
Keep always rolling… mistakes do occur, don’t stop, keep open your mind and heart to raise the courage to ask for forgiveness and keep the move on.
Last but not the least, learning is a cycle in which you never know the start, and not the stop just left yourself open to learn new more things.
Keep the consistency on the way with positivity all the way, you will reach a point in life that will satisfy you with something you could not even imagine it.
Thank you all for your time. Wish you all a blessed time ahead.
This article has been written by Juan Plamen in cooperation with Vincent Purushothaman
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Juan Plamen
Thank you mate for making your time to write a biography about me that I never even had imagined would be intrigued … wish you much more success and happiness mate👍🏻 to everyone who is reading this here it’s a biography article of what I have and had gone through my life … Have a read📖
“Thank you is the least I can say to you to show my appreciation for everything you have done for me” @juan_plamen
Thank you mate for making your time to write a biography about me that I never even had imagined would be intrigued … wish you many more success and happiness mate👍🏻 to everyone who is reading this here it’s a biography article of what I have and had gone through my life … Have a read📖
“Is the least I can say to you to show my appreciation for everything you have done for me”
Thanks Vincent, and you’re damn welcome!!! stories like yours motivate people.